Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vendor Try Outs

While looking around at pictures for an inspiration board I am working on for you all, I ran across this piece of advice and it makes perfect sense!

If you are having people to your house or throwing a party - use that occasion to try-out a wedding caterer, a cake baker, a florist or a DJ.  If you are going the do it yourself route, try baking the cake for your party so you won't have a whole cake go to waste. Or why not have your online flower vendor send you a test bunch to use for your party. So you can make sure the flower vendor is good. Additionally, then you can practice arranging flowers.

If you don't have the budget to hire wedding vendors to try them out, ask several vendors if you could pop your head into an event they are doing i.e. for a DJ, so you know if he is good on the mic, etc. Most food vendors will let you have a tasting before, so that shouldn't be an issue. Also, don't be afraid to ask around to see who everyone recommends. Your vendors really make your event. Wedding Planners really come in handy here because they can save you money through vendors and they also know who is good and reliable to work with.

Happy Vendor Shopping.

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