Thursday, January 5, 2012

To wear a ring or to not, That is the question

My fiance and I had a chat about wedding rings the other day and it came down to the point where he does not want to wear one. I have been trying to think about my feelings on the matter and was looking from some input from you all! I think this is a great topic to consider. This is one of the things that the groom does get a say in, about what his ring looks like and if he even wears one. My thoughts are as follows: My dad and my fiances, Brian's dad, have never worn a wedding band. Both of them work with their hands and a ring would get caught on things. Brian is hoping to be a firefighter/EMT and that point works in the same way for him. So I am more inclined to give into his request to not wear a ring, which ultimately I'm sure will happen. I mean, Prince William decided not wear a wedding ring! You think Kate was about to break that engagement off over a silly ring?!?  Another option that alot of celebs are doing is getting a ring tattoed on the ring finger. That way it solves the working issue.

On the other side of the argument, shouldn't the guy want to wear a ring to show that he made a commitment to you. That is the one thing that says "I'm married and I chose to be with one person forever" without actually saying anything. Toya Sharee says it perfectly, "The marriage is meant to be respected by you and him, and while the world would be perfect if everyone showed that same respect, remember: Your MAN is obligated to you, not his admirers. Your marriage is only as monogamous as you and your man want it to be, and it shouldn’t matter if Halle Berry herself decides to give him the business, ring or not, your man should be committed. There are those men who simply don’t want to wear a ring because they aren’t yet willing to give up the attention they’re receiving as a single man, or even worse, some men don’t want the world to know they’re married. If you find yourself making a fuss over a ring because you’re obsessed with what may happen in its absence, you may actually be more worried about what happens in YOUR absence."

If you are having a discussion about him not wearing a ring, make sure you know what the feeling is behind your uneasiness. If you are feeling uneasy that he doesn't want to wear a ring, so he can attract other women, you might want to consider if he is acutally the one!


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