Monday, November 7, 2011

Decorator's Quick Fix

At this huge event, Noche De Gala, I learned that improvising is imperative in order to finish decorating for an event on time. The follow list are items that are a must have!

1. Zip Ties  - both black and white

2. Safety Pins - All sizes

3. Wire Cutters  - depending on how huge the event is having one wire cutter per every 2-3 workers is a good idea - these are used to cut zip ties and floral wire

4. Floral Wire

5. U- GLU  dashes- buy it off google

6. T-Pins

7. Paper Towels

8. Garbage Bags

These were the things we were constantly running out of. Zip ties are wonderful quick fixes for hanging up fabric and other large decorations. They can also be used to hang up fabric over poles to make pole covers... then use floral wire to make it look decorative, then the t-pins can be used to cover the pole completely with the hanging fabric.  Believe me, after my many hours (87 hours in 8 days) at this farm for Noche De Gala, take my word for it and when you are decorating a huge event, buy loads of this!!

1 comment:

  1. Every Boy Scout, Girl Scout, and Event Planner's motto: Always Be Prepared!!
